Tuckshop Operating Hours: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Flexischools cut-off time is 8 am)
- Service for First Break: 10:50 AM – 11:20 AM
- Service for Second Break: 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Tuckshop MenuOrder Online: www.flexischools.com.au
Meet Our Team
Martina, Melina and Amy, our tuck shop conveners, provide a happy and relaxed space for the children to get the full enjoyment out of their tuck shop experience as well as great food with more homemade delicious options.
Ordering lunch is easy through the Flexischools app. To ensure a smooth service please place your orders by 8:00 AM on the day. Pre-orders can be done anytime if you are worried you will miss the new cut-off time.
Keep an eye out on Flexischools for any new menu items and our Friday Specials.
Click here to log on and order: www.flexischools.com.au
Collection Process - Food ordered through Flexischools will be collected from the tuckshop by the tuckshop monitor for each class. We use cooler bags to keep hot food hot and cold food cold.
**If you order a frozen treat or a Milo your child will receive a stamped 😁 lunch bag which they can then take to the tuck shop and collect at the end of eating time.
Join Our Volunteer Team - Martina, Melina and Amy would love to have more volunteers sign up to help out with meal prep, serving, or batch cooking. You don't need experience and every little bit helps - so if you like to listen to music (occasionally bust out some dance moves) and share some stories please come and see us. Volunteering can also be done via Flexischools or just pop in and say hi!
*A Blue Card is required if you are not a parent or primary carer of a child who attends Caningeraba State School.
What Happens If a Lunch is Forgotten?
We understand that sometimes things get left behind, and occasionally, a student may forget their lunch.
If a child has no lunch or thinks they should have an order, we can quickly check our system.
If they do not then they will be given a slip to take to the office where the office will call their parent who can then either order an emergency lunch on Flexischools or provide their own lunch to the child, whatever is more convenient.
If there are any questions or concerns about your child's order, please encourage your child to speak to Martina or Emma at break time so they can resolve them quickly.