Safe and supportive school environment
In order to maintain a safe and supportive school environment, students at Caningeraba State School are expected to comply with the Caningeraba Student Code of Conduct.

Fair Rules
1. Fair communication rule
Raise hand, wait to be called upon before commenting on, answering or asking a question. Do not talk or yell over others talking.
2. Fair language rule
Swearing, name calling, put downs, teasing and sarcasm are not part of this school.
3. Fair property rule
All property, school and other, is to be used and cared for appropriately.
4. Fair treatment rule
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
5. Fair direction rule
Follow all reasonable directions the first time they are given.
6. Fair learning and play rule
All will engage in behaviours which enable children to learn and play and teachers to teach.
7. Fair safe movement rule
All children will walk in rooms and on paths in a safe, orderly manner. Bikes will be walked to and from bike racks. Skates and similar items will not be used at school.
8. Sun safe rule
Children will wear hats when working/moving in areas without shade.