
Gifted and Talented/Enrichment

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Caningeraba is a community committed to educating happy, healthy, confident 21st century learners.


Caningeraba State School 

  • Recognises the needs of all students including students who display giftedness 
  • Aims to provide rigorous, challenging and supportive learning environment for these students

For the purpose of the Gifted and Talented/Enrichment Program, we use the Gagne model which proposes the following definitions:

Giftedness is the possession of natural abilities or aptitudes at levels significantly beyond what is expected at one’s age, in any dominion of human ability. (Potential)

Talent equates to high achievement. Talent is achievement or performance at a level significantly beyond what might be expected at a given age. (Performance)

Gagne believes that giftedness becomes talent through the quality of the child’s learning through personal contexts (motivation, confidence, perseverance) and environmental contexts (surroundings, significant persons, school provisions).


  • To optimise the potential of each student
  • To promote a flexible approach to the education of student
  • To promote in the school community the awareness and understanding of giftedness

  • To develop effective partnerships with parents in supporting quality education for gifted students.

Identification Process

​1. Teacher/Parent Nomination

2. Data collection

Class teacher, Gifted and Talented/Enrichment coordinator

· Referral to Gifted & Talented / Enrichment Committee form.

· Multiple identification instruments may be used to identify students' strengths



· Referral to Gifted & Talented / Enrichment Committee form (and any other Specialists' reports)

Guidance Officer

· IQ Assessment (N.B. At Caningeraba, IQ tests such as the WISC III will be used for the purpose of acceleration only)

· Social/emotional/behavioural assessments of observations

External Agents

· Psychologist assessment

· Paediatric reports

· Speech Language Pathologist/ Optometrist/  Neurosensory specialist findings and recommendations

3. Gifted and Talented/Enrichment Committee Meeting to review the data and information on each student to determine giftedness and areas of giftedness.

Gifted and Talented/Enrichment Committee

The Associate Principal, Head of Department Curriculum, Gifted and Talented/Enrichment Coordinator,  Classroom teachers from each year level, Guidance Officer and Head of Inclusion

Role of the Committee:
Review student cases to determine student suitability for extension and enrichment.

Gifted and Talented/Enrichment Coodinator

Caningeraba is committed to the continuation of the Gifted and Talented and enrichment program and have employed a teacher whose roles and responsibilities include:

· Coordination of the identification process

· Test / screen the students

· Chair Gifted and Talented Committee meetings

· Case manage identified students

· Coordinate enrichment programs

· Coordinate extra curricular activities


Gifted and Talented/Enrichment Program​ 

Gifted and Talented

Support for students who have been verified as gifted include:

· Case management

· Student Profiles/tracking

· Access to enrichment programs

· Clustered into classes where possible​



Enrichment activities to broaden and develop a student's knowledge, skills, processes and experiences will be offered when appropriate.

Where possible, students will be offered opportunities to participate in:

· Excursions such as Storyfest

· Problem solving and critical thinking sessions

· Chess coaching & tournaments

· Tournament of Minds

· Code Crew

· Readers Cup

· Da Vinci Decathlon

· Extension Mathematics



Tournament of Minds

2009 Australasian Pacific Winners (Maths & Engineering)

2010 Australasian Pacific Finalists (Language Literature)

2011 State Finalists (Language Literature)

2012 Australasian Pacific Finalists (Social Science)

2013 State Finalists (LL, SS, AT)

2014 State Finalists (LL, AT, SS, EM)

2015 State Finalists (Applied Technology)

2016 State Finalists (Language Literature, Social Sciences)

2016 Australasian Pacific Finalists (Social Sciences)

2017 State Finalists (Language Literature, Social  Sciences)

2018 International Finalists (STEM)

2019 State Finalists (The Arts)

2023 State Finalists (Social Sciences)

DaVinci Decathlon

2018 3rd place Art and Poetry, 2nd place Coding.

2019 2nd place Creative Producers 2nd place Engineering

2022 3rd place coding, 1st place Creative Producers

2023 1st place Art and Poetry

Readers Cup

2015 Gold Coast Champions


Further Information

If you would like further information, please email:

Last reviewed 26 March 2024
Last updated 26 March 2024