Speech-Language Therapy Services in State Schools
Speech-language pathologists are employed by the Department of
Education (DOE) to provide therapy services to students enrolled
in State Schools and Early Childhood Development
Programs. These services are delivered as part of the educational program
and are directed towards educational outcomes.
therapy services support students’ educational outcomes by focusing on the
essential foundation areas of oral language, speech, voice, fluency and
oro-motor functioning, where these impact on learning, particularly for those
students with complex needs in communication.
pathologists in the Department work as part of the educational team to maximise
students’ access, participation and achievement of competencies in interpersonal
communication, literacy, numeracy and key learning areas.
How do I access Speech-Language Therapy Services at Caningeraba State School?
Our school follows the South East Regional Prioritisation process
for SLT services in state schools which is well-defined and strives to provide
a fair and equitable service to students with significant needs in
communication. If you feel your child may require speech-language therapy
services, please discuss this with your child’s teacher. Referrals are
typically made via your child’s classroom teacher.